この煌めく星々があなたの幸運の象徴だと言われれば、ラッキーだと感じるはずです!Lucky Starsは一つのシンボルを揃えれば当たりになるスクラッチゲームで、宇宙のホロスコープ全体をまたにかけるセレスチャルスピンへいざないます。
- 各ゲームでは4つのシンボルを明らかにします。
- 基準シンボル(干支)と1つのシンボルをマッチさせると勝利となります。
- プレーしているカードで利用できるプライズは、カードをめくると各々のカードのシンボルの下に表示されます。
- ベット額を選択してください。
- カードを購入するには「プレー」をクリックしてください。
- シンボルは手動で明らかにしたり、「プレーフォーミー」を使って自動的に明らかにしたりできます。
- 各ラウンドの賞金額は画面下部の「合計賞金」の欄に表示されます。
- 合計獲得賞金はアカウント残高(「残高」)に追加されます。
- オプション:自動ボタンを選択すれば、自動システムを利用して設定を維持したまま複数のラウンドをプレーする事ができます。
Scratch button (mobile)
Game Buttons | |
Play Press the Play button to start the game. |
Play For Me Press the Play for Me Button to have the automated system play the game for you. |
AutoPlay Game is playing in AutoPlay mode and displays the number of remaining games you have left to play. |
Stop AutoPlay Click this button to stop playing in AutoPlay mode. Gameplay will stop at the end of the current round. The number of remaining rounds is displayed inside the button. |
TurboPlay Click this button to start playing in Turbo mode. (To stop playing in TurboPlay , click the menu button, select Play Settings and slide Turbo Play to the Off position.) Note: If you have both AutoPlay and Turbo on, pressing Stop AutoPlay will stop the AutoPlay feature only. |
Home Exit the game and return back to the Game Lobby. |
Fun Balance Your total balance amount (this is fun money to play the games in practice mode). |
Real Balance Your total balance amount (money you have deposited into your account). |
Total Win Displays the amount won in each game. |
Total Bet The total amount you are playing in this round. Example: Number of cards = 5 |
Make a deposit, and add funds to your balance. |
Money Play The Money Play button appears while you are playing in Fun Mode. Click to transition the game into Real Play Mode, and play for real money.
Menu Click the Menu button to view or change your Game Settings. |
Bet Settings |
Total Bet The total amount you are playing in this round. This is calculated by multiplying the number of cards played by the bet amount: Example: Number of cards =5, Bet amount = 2. 2 x 5 = 10 Total Bet = 10 |
Bet Select the amount of your bet per card / line.
Cards Shows the number of cards you are playing.
Back Button Takes you back to the actual game. |
Play Settings | |
AutoPlay This allows the random, automated system to play multiple games for you with the same settings. |
Sound Settings |